IISc Hostel

Hostels@IISc : This is the home page of IISc hostel website. Information about hostels, messes, rules and regulations, committees, registration, online complaints and other facilities at IISc hostel are available at this portal.


There are many independent hostel blocks both for ladies and for gents. These hostel blocks together can house about 3000 plus students who stay on campus. Kindly read the information about the hostels with regard to the following topics and follow them in order to have a pleasant stay at the hostels.

  • Membership and validity

  • Accomodation

  • Safety and Security restrictions

  • Change of Room

  • Do's

  • Don'ts

Note: Any violation of the rules and regulations of the hostel, guest rooms, messes etc., that is brought to the notice of the hostel office will be reviewed by the Council of Wardens. The penalty for the violation will be decided by the Council of Wardens and its decision is final and binding. Depending on the nature of the violation, the penalty may vary from simple fine payment to loss of hostel membership.